Knowledge Exchange 2025

Posted by Karen Mumme on 10 March 2025

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Thursday 8 May 2025, 9.00 am to 4.30 pm, Auckland

The Knowledge Exchange 2025 is on Thursday 8 May 2025, 9.00 am to 4.30 pm, Building 903 Room 332*, 314-390 Khyber Pass Rd, Newmarket, Auckland.

School Graduation Cap 2The Knowledge Exchange is an opportunity

  • for emerging researchers (from any discipline relating to ageing) to present their research work.
  • to hear from leading New Zealand researchers in the field of ageing
  • to network and consider collaborations across disciplines
  • to be inspired and share knowledge.

Who should attend the Knowledge Exchange Day?

Students, Masters/PhD researchers, Advanced Trainees, Academics, anyone interested in the field of ageing research (including general public) should attend.

No Cost - Lunch, morning and afternoon tea provided.

Call for abstracts

Closing date for abstracts 24 April 2025

The format of this Knowledge Exchange is different to most conferences - the Knowledge Exchange aims to share, inform, collaborate and encourage our young researchers into Gerontology Research in its widest sense.

We encourage you to submit an abstract in the following areas:

1. Established research groups / senior researchers (15 minutes)

Present a summary of research to date / key highlights / and a glimpse into your future research directions.

Aims to give early career researchers a view of what is possible, ideas for the future as well as informing a wider audience.

2. Specific gerontology research results

Traditional format of 10-minute presentation and 5 minutes for discussion.

3. Research ideas

For those with ideas that need help, collaborators, guidance or encouragement.

Time guide: 5-10 minute presentation and questions for the audience.

4. Guidelines for Abstract - closing date 24 April 2025

1. Maximum word count = 300 words.
2. Abstract to begin title, authors names(s), provenance. An example might be:
Assessment of delirium in the emergency department. Smith MA, Jones BD, Tuhoe Mt. Department of Geriatric Medicine, West Harbour Hospital.
3. The abstract should be in the form of bolded structured headings (without line spaces between them) in the suggested format:
a. Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions.
b. Introduction, Research Summary, Future Directions
c. Research Idea, Supporting evidence, questions for audience
4. Any tables should be created within the abstract itself.
5. Any references are included in the body of the text using names and journal references only but not the title.
6. Abbreviations must only be used if defined immediately after the full word or phrase is used for the first time.

 Abstracts from Knowledge Exchange 2024 can be viewed here.

Flyer (for sharing) can be downloaded here.

Upload abstract - due 24 April 2025.

Register for Knowledge Exchange here - closing day for registration is 2 May 2025.

Upload abstract and register for Knowledge Exchange here.

* Physical Address and directions | Ray Meyer Building 314-390 Khyber Pass Road. (We are directly across the road from the Grafton train station; by bus, disembark on Park Road at either stop 7230 or 7231 depending on the direction you are travelling from – if using public transport or walking, please enter Gate 2 on Khyber Pass Road; if driving, please enter Gate 3 on Khyber Pass Road and sign in at reception. Building 903 Room 332 (follow the signs to CCREATE-AGE)

You can also help by

  • Spreading the word about what we do / share this newsletter
  • Donating your time to the Friends Supporters to help with fundraising and committee work
  • Encouraging your children and grandchildren to invest in their futures by donating time and money (a baby girl born today has a 1 in 3 chance of living to 100 , a boy 1 in 4 and is likely to be fitter and healthier–think about the implications of that)
  • Consider a bequest