HOPE Foundation Newsletter March 2013
Since it started to fund summer research students doing age-related research in 1999, the Foundation has funded 23 such students.
Since it began funding scholarships for masters and doctoral student in 2004, 31 scholarships have been awarded to 18 doctoral students (some students have been supported for more than one year), and eight to masters students. In addition we have arranged at least one public seminar most years, paid for some contract research on issues the Foundation felt needed urgent review, and funded a visiting professor.
Professor David Richmond,
Inaugural Professor of Geriatric Medicine,
The University of Auckland.
Founder and Chair of The Foundation
For the whole of its existence, the Foundation has depended for funding on the generosity of several hundred Friends of the Foundation donating regularly, events organised by the Friends Committee (current Chair, Mrs Carolyn Ward) and support from a range of philanthropic organisations. The latter include the Freemasons Roskill Foundation, the Picot Family Charitable Trust, the Ted and Mollie Carr Foundation, the Sunset Foundation, the Goodfellow Trust, The JR Lewis Trust, the Ruby Nolan Trust, the James Wallace Arts Trust, the Anonymous Trust and the Selwyn Foundation.
We can now announce that the Selwyn Foundation has agreed to become a ‘cornerstone’ partner as from this year, assisting with over 80% of our budget. The Selwyn Foundation is one of the leading providers of aged care in New Zealand, an organisation with a reputation for probity and good management with whom we feel privileged to be associated. For the first time in its history, the HOPE Foundation can reasonably expect a secure future. We will still need to raise some funds because we want to ensure that HOPE retains an independent identity. I believe that you, as a faithful supporter will be as encouraged by this development as we are.
We owe special thanks to the Selwyn Board and its CEO Garry Smith for their positive response to our approach, and to our own Board member and acting Executive Officer, Rod Perkins for his key role in the negotiations.
David E. Richmond
You can also help by
- Spreading the word about what we do / share this newsletter
- Donating your time to the Friends Supporters to help with fundraising and committee work
- Encouraging your children and grandchildren to invest in their futures by donating time and money (a baby girl born today has a 1 in 3 chance of living to 100 , a boy 1 in 4 and is likely to be fitter and healthier–think about the implications of that)
- Consider a bequest