2015 Scholars
The cornerstone funding from the Selwyn Foundation plus additional grants from Family Trusts have enabled us to extend our grants to researchers in 2015. Specifically this has meant one extra Scholar for the Universities of Auckland and Massey plus for the first time a grant to a University of Canterbury Scholar.
2014-15 Summer Students
The cornerstone funding from the Selwyn Foundation plus additional grants from Family Trusts have enabled us to extend our grants to researchers in 2015. Specifically this has meant one extra Scholar for the Universities of Auckland and Massey plus for the first time a grant to a University of Canterbury Scholar.
2013-14 Summer Students
This year the Summer Students’ presentation followed the AGM of the NZAG held on Monday, 19th August at Massey University Albany. Joan-Mary Longcroft, Linda Snell and I attended from the Friends Committee. We particularly enjoyed meeting the two students and seeing their presentations.
2014 Scholars
The cornerstone funding from the Selwyn Foundation plus additional grants from Family Trusts have enabled us to extend our grants to researchers in 2014. Specifically this had meant one extra Summer Student for the University of Auckland and one extra post graduate Scholar for Massey University and the University of Auckland. A brief summary of each research proposal is given below.
2012-13 Summer Students
The cornerstone funding from the Selwyn Foundation plus additional grants from Family Trusts have enabled us to grant a number of summer studentships.
2011-12 Summer Students
The Foundation is pleased to report that it will support two Summer Research Studentships over the summer of 2011 – 2012. Five applications were received, all of excellent quality, making the selection process very difficult. The successful candidates, Zoe Dyer, currently in the third year of her medical course, and Lydia Suo Ee Slew, a Bachelor of Science student, will each be supported with a scholarship to the value of $5000.
2010-11 Summer Students
The two summer research students sponsored by the Foundation over the past summer presented the results of their research to a combined meeting of Friends of the Foundation and the Auckland branch of the