Board Members

The HOPE Foundation for Research on Ageing has a well-qualified and diverse Board.


Dr Maree Todd MBChB, FRACP

Nominee of the Auckland Branch of the NZ Association of Gerontology
Clinical Director Older Peoples' Health Auckland District Health Board

John Biggs MBA, BBS, BTech

Managing Director, Complete Solutions

Dr Kay Shannon, PhD 

Senior Lecturer Nursing, Auckland University of Technology

Professor Ngaire Kerse PhD, FRNZCGP, MBChB
Chair in Ageing Well University of Auckland

Professor David Richmond

Inaugural Professor of Geriatric Medicine, The University of Auckland. Founder of the HOPE Foundation for Research on Ageing.

Jennifer Moor BA PGDipSocSci (Social Policy and Social Work)

Age Concern

Honorary Treasurer
Richard Miranda
