Viewing entries tagged with 'hope foundation summer research scholar'
Environmental factors in the movement space of aged-care residents and their impact on falls and fall-related injuries in participants from Staying Upright study.
2022-23 Summer Research Impact Report
by Sonja Neef, University of Auckland
Supervisors: Dr Catherine Bacon, Professor Ngaire Kerse and Dr Lynne Taylor
I would like to thank the HOPE Foundation for funding my summer research scholarship and for giving me the opportunity to become part of an incredible research team in the field of ageing. This scholarship has been an invaluable experience and has allowed me to take a first step into research relating to the elderly, in which I hope to pursue my postgraduate studies. This experience has given me a chance to further enhance my skills regarding data analysis and presentation and to have a more critical and flexible way of thinking. This project introduced me to the aging field, which I had not had the chance to experience in my undergraduate courses. This opportunity has enhanced my motivation and drive to continue research in this field in the future and inspired me to focus on nursing homes as a study population. This summer research scholarship has been incredibly valuable and has given me a solid foundation on which I hope to build my future academic career in the field of ageing.